A major reform of the taxation in Vaud was easily passed by the cantonal parliament.
- 22 septembre 2015
A major reform of the taxation in Vaud was easily passed by the cantonal parliament. The Grand Council voted by a large majority the approval of the roadmap of the cantonal government to apply in the canton the Corporate Tax Reform Act III
Source : internet website letemps.ch
See also on the same subject :
Explanatory memorandum and draft laws (EMPD no 1 . draft budget 2016) and Report of the State Council to the Grand Council on the Corporate Tax Reform (CTR III), in French: http://www.vd.ch/index.php?id=61113
EPLANATORY MEMORANDUM AND DRAFT LAWS (EMPD N° 1 draft budget 2016), in French : http://www.vd.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/organisation/gc/fichiers_pdf/2012-2017/239_Texte_CE_2.pdf
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